Medical Disclaimer

Medical Discliamer

You must be at least 18 years old to use this website. The drugs available on this website are just for personal use. We strongly advise against reselling our things.

If there are any problems, these will be handled directly by the consumers, and will not be held accountable for them, despite our best efforts to fix them.

The information on this website is given for educational purposes only and should not be used to replace professional medical advice or self-treatment.

Before making any purchases, we recommend that you consult with a competent healthcare practitioner.

We are not accountable if someone consumes a medicine after merely reading the material on our website.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the product statements. Federal authorities such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Cosmetic Act demand this disclosure.

It is critical that anybody contemplating taking this medicine who is pregnant, nursing, elderly, or under the age of 18 first consults with a doctor before initiating treatment.